Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

2010 World Roller Speed Skating Championships - Guarne (Colombia) October 20-30

Rome May 25, 2010
To all the Presidents of the National Federations affiliated with FIRS
Copy: CIC Members and FIRS EB

Ref. 2010 World Roller Speed Skating Championships - Guarne (Colombia) October 20-30
Dear Mister the President,
I am glad to let you know that the 2010 Worlds are scheduled in Guarne (Medellin) /Colombia at
the above mentioned dates.
After the withdrawal of Venezuela’s Federation as by my communication dated March 29, the CIC
looked for another organising country, possibly of the same continent.
I want to thank the Colombian Federation and its President Mr. Alberto Herrera Ayala on behalf of
all the world Roller Speed Skating family for having accepted this important commitment in a so
short time.
The great skills of Colombia’s Federation in organising perfectly big events are a guarantee for the
best result of this World Championship.
Taken into account the great commitment of the Colombian Federation and to show the
extraordinary promotion that Roller Speed Skating has obtained in the entire world, I kindly invite
you in sending one National Team at this event.
CIC biennial General Assembly is scheduled in Medellin/Guarne on October 21. CIC will send you
a circular letter with all organising information in the next days.
Waiting to meet you and your skaters in Colombia, I am sending you my best sports regards,
Dr. Roberto Marotta
CIC President